What are the best ways to prepare yourself for a home move?

Mover with customers


Home moving is an extremely exciting time, as you pack up your belongings and make your way to a fresh, new living space.

During all the excitement, there can be some questions and stress as you try to check off every task, chore, and to-do item involved with getting your life moved from one spot to the next. At TWO MEN AND A TRUCK, we tell all our customers the best way to have an enjoyable moving day is by being prepared, but how exactly does one prepare for a home move?

With so much going on in the months, weeks, and days leading up to moving day, it can all seem overwhelming. Thankfully for you, we’ve seen a thing or two in the world of moving, so we came up with some of the best ways to prepare yourself for the big move!

If you’re hiring movers, be sure to schedule them in advance

For those who want  the help of professional movers like us, we highly recommend calling to get your move schedule at least one to two months before your desired moving dates. Our moving schedules fill up quickly, and most of our customers need to move on the weekend, so it’s important to call ahead to make sure you get the day you want.

For more tips on the best times to schedule a move, click here.

Start packing early

Another tip we give to anyone who is planning to move – whether it’s with us or on their own – is to pack well in advance of your moving date. You’ll be shocked on how quickly things can creep up on you time-wise, and packing is not something that can be done in a day or two.

Go room-by-room, day-by-day, and slowly chip away at the process of packing by doing a little bit here and there to keep things manageable. This will allow you flexibility while you still live your normal life but will slowly get things put away to be moved.

Click here for some of our best packing tips!

Part ways with things you don’t need

As you work through your current living situation figure out what to pack and what not to pack, you can do this by taking  inventory of your belongings and find out what is necessary and what isn’t.

It’s common for piles of stuff to build up around our homes over time that we don’t really need, and it can become a burden moving it to your next home for no real reason. Moving is a good time to start fresh and part ways with things you aren’t using and don’t need, which will help you avoid wasting time and energy moving them to a new home.

Start building a centralized location for your belongings as moving day approaches

There are  some limitations to this as you don’t want to completely block up your living space in the final days before moving, but forming a centralized location for your things a few days before moving day will make the actual moving process so much easier.

Everything in one place – packed up and ready to be moved – will make the process of loading a moving truck quicker and more efficient for you or professional movers and will go a long way in saving you time and energy.

Have a plan for moving day

If you’ve ever moved to a new home, then you’re well aware of how quick and chaotic the day can be. There is a lot going on from start to finish, and you can easily get lost in the shuffle of what’s happening.

Building out a plan for the day can go a long way in eliminating stress, keeping you on schedule, and making things more manageable. Like we said above: being prepared is the number one thing you can do to make a successful moving day, and this is a crucial step in that process!

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® is the first and largest franchises moving company in the United States. Let us help move you forward! For more helpful tips and information on moving services subscribe to our blog and like us on Facebook.